Online tire size comparison calculator – choose the right tires for your car
Our tire size calculator will help you estimate the difference of external dimensions of the wheels, height clearance, revolutions per mile and other characteristics, when installing tires of other sizes on your vehicle. This calculator allows you to tell the difference between the tires in inches, centimeters, and percentages.

How to use the tire calculator?
In the top row you need to select the size of the tires that are on your car at the moment. These indicators can be easily found on the sidewalls of your tires. In the first box you need to choose tire width in inches. The second box is for height and width ratio in percentages. The third field is for disc diameter in inches. In the second row you need to specify the size of the new tires, or the tires that you are going to buy. After you have entered all the parameters, click the green button "Calculate". Our tire size calculator uses inch measurements by default, but you can switch to metric system (cm) if you want.
Tire size comparison calculator instantly shows the difference between the tires and displays it in the table. At the bottom of the table you can see the final recommendation. Depending on the difference of tires, it can be in green or in red. If the difference in diameters is bigger than 3%, the result will be in red. It is because we do not recommend using the tires which differ from your current tires in size more than 3%. It can put your life in risk while you are driving.